Heroic Conclusion of Epic Italian Grand Tour: Carnival in Venice

Yes friends, it’s time for the conclusion of this bucket-list grade road trip up Italy. But fear not, for we have another (albeit nowhere near as involved) RaveHajj coming next month, and other adventures yet this year. For now, pour a glass of your favorite beverage and join me on this final installment. We left the action on the way out of Firenze, having to decide between the “scenic” and “direct” routes through Tuscany. Granted,… Read the entire post here!

Epic Grand Tour of Italia Part 4, Firenze

Rome was, of course, truly stunning. However, three hours after leaving Rome, the Jeep Renegade arrived in Florence. Home to the Medici, Machiavelli, Leonardo Da Vinci, Dante, Michelangelo, Botticelli, Brunelleschi, Guccio Gucci, and birthplace of what is considered the modern Italian language itself…it is beyond belief. Rich in history, culture, art, and of course….FOOD (and maybe drink). Astute observers will recognize that I am, in fact, a fan of the Assassin’s Creed series of video… Read the entire post here!

Epic Italian Road Trip 2022 Part 2 – Pompeii

Hello everyone and happy Friday! Being a Friday, that means two things are certain. First: Additionally, being that it’s Friday, it’s time for another chapter of the Professor’s amazing Italian road trip/Grand Tour. Today, we’re hitting Naples, but unfortunately due to time constraints only one night could be spent there. So we’re really covering the 6+ hours spent at Pompeii (and trust me you could spend three days exploring that incredible location) and the killer… Read the entire post here!

I’M BACK!! Epic Italian Road Trip 2022, Part 1: Palermo

Well hello lovelies!! It’s been a hell of a couple years. Hope you and yours all weathered everything okay. It’s been too long. TOO. DAMN. LONG. But the good news is, the Professor is back and having a grand old time….and took a ton of photos to share it all with his favorite ragazzi. HOWEVER, and there *IS* a “however” to this….it absolutely HAS be in several parts, because it was one *HELL* of an… Read the entire post here!

The Jazz and People Triumphantly Return! New Orleans March 2021

You already know 2020 was ridiculous. If you read my previous post about New Orleans, you know that in July 2020 it was depressingly empty. There weren’t any bands busking in the French Quarter. There weren’t any tourists there to support them anyway. There was ONE group playing outside Cafe du Monde, but that was it. It was definitely strange. Veterans of the July 2020 story already know about the otters (side note, that would… Read the entire post here!

New Orleans Ghost Town/Otter Swim, July 2020

I’m not going to spend a lot of time dwelling on the absolute shit-show 2020 turned into. You already know, you were there. Suffice it to say, both opportunities for a Rave Hajj were thwarted, leaving a lot of mixed feelings (mostly “dammit” types of feelings). A vacation was called for, no matter what. Can’t travel internationally, so that rules out a lot of new adventures. But then I found out about Barn Hill Preserve… Read the entire post here!

COVID update

Turns out when you write about your travels, and then a thing happens that stops basically any and all travel…..well that sucks. So here’s a quick infographic on my travels of late. I hope you enjoy it. I stole it from the internet. I do not have “original artist’s credit” but it’s been making rounds on various meme pages on facetube. Stay safe everyone. I may do some “local shenanigans” in the next few weeks… Read the entire post here!

Rave Hajj Part 3: Yellowstone National Park, Colorado, and (Sadly) Back to Real Life

And here we are…the inevitable conclusion to our epic journey.  Fear not, loyal readers, for we still have adventures to reveal! As you may (or may not) recall, Tuesday found us waking up before the F-22 pilots had even had their morning whiskey, and bidding farewell to Vegas with yet another EDC in the books. The drive ahead was a long one, but relatively simple–730ish miles (approximately 11-ish hours with fuel stops) straight up I-15 all… Read the entire post here!

Rave Hajj 2019, Part 2: Electric Daisy Carnival and Vegas Shenanigans

If you’ve made it this far, your tenacity is greatly appreciated.  You’re now familiar with the adventure of getting to EDC, but in this installment we delve into the adventure of the festival itself! As you may recall, we left off with a Tuesday arrival in Las Vegas.  We drove straight to Nellis AFB, where we checked in to our delightful(ly inexpensive) lodging and home for the next week.  Sure, there’s drawbacks to not staying… Read the entire post here!

RaveHajj 2019, Part 1

The following is the first in a three-part series about what has become known in my household as “Rave Hajj” (typically referred to as a hashtag on social media, as is fashionable).  We hit over 7,000 miles through 17 states in three weeks, and it was quite a fantastic adventure. (Note: Some of the photos are just from my phone, as I wasn’t keen on lugging my DSLR around everywhere we went; my advance apologies… Read the entire post here!