The Great Italian Road Trip 2023, Part 2–Firenze

Ciao ragazzi, and welcome back! Nice to see everyone’s (hopefully) smiling faces again (and if you aren’t, you will be by the end of this post!). We left the action last week with a sad farewell to one of the most amazing cities on the planet, Venezia, and we pick up the story after a vaporetto and bus ride to Marco Polo airport, in order to retrieve the (alleged) VW Golf from Sixt. It wasn’t… Read the entire post here!

Epic Grand Tour of Italia Part 4, Firenze

Rome was, of course, truly stunning. However, three hours after leaving Rome, the Jeep Renegade arrived in Florence. Home to the Medici, Machiavelli, Leonardo Da Vinci, Dante, Michelangelo, Botticelli, Brunelleschi, Guccio Gucci, and birthplace of what is considered the modern Italian language itself…it is beyond belief. Rich in history, culture, art, and of course….FOOD (and maybe drink). Astute observers will recognize that I am, in fact, a fan of the Assassin’s Creed series of video… Read the entire post here!