Epic Italian Road Trip 2022 Part 2 – Pompeii

Hello everyone and happy Friday! Being a Friday, that means two things are certain. First: Additionally, being that it’s Friday, it’s time for another chapter of the Professor’s amazing Italian road trip/Grand Tour. Today, we’re hitting Naples, but unfortunately due to time constraints only one night could be spent there. So we’re really covering the 6+ hours spent at Pompeii (and trust me you could spend three days exploring that incredible location) and the killer… Read the entire post here!

I’M BACK!! Epic Italian Road Trip 2022, Part 1: Palermo

Well hello lovelies!! It’s been a hell of a couple years. Hope you and yours all weathered everything okay. It’s been too long. TOO. DAMN. LONG. But the good news is, the Professor is back and having a grand old time….and took a ton of photos to share it all with his favorite ragazzi. HOWEVER, and there *IS* a “however” to this….it absolutely HAS be in several parts, because it was one *HELL* of an… Read the entire post here!